If you require assistance with these services, please feel free to contact my office.
- Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- Canada Summer Jobs Program
- Citizenship and Immigration
- Employment Insurance
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
- Old Age Security (OAS)
- Passport Services
- Service Canada
- Social Insurance Number Applications
- Travel Advisories
If you require assistance with these services, please contact your local MLA.
- Address Change
- Birth, death and marriage registration
- Child Care Subsidy Program
- Disability Assistance
- Doing business in BC
- Driver Licensing
- Employment Standards
- Fishing or Hunting Licence
- How to apply for Persons with Disabilities status
- ID/Health Card/Driver's Licence (BC Services Card)
- Income Assistance
- Income Assistance - Assessment and Application Tool
- Income Assistance - Manage your claim (My Self Serve)
- Land title search, change and transfer
- Landlord/Tenant relations - Residential Tenancy Office
- Medical Services Plan/Health Insurance BC
- Organ Donor Registry
- Provincial Taxes
- Property Assessment Information
- Speculation and Vacancy Tax